Saturday, 13 February 2010

First Steps

At the risk of making posting regular here I am again.

Just to report the first steps along the route of my Infantry Platoon for the 117th.

Have built two squads and the mortar squad.

Not much, but it is progress.

Pictures when more is finished.


Sunday, 7 February 2010

A goal has been set.

A new year as arrived. I feel the need to focus my efforts with my hobby. Too much indecisiveness and flitting between one new thing and another. I want an army that is complete.

I have set myself a goal for the year.

I want to produce at least one 1,000 point army. I also want to produce a kick-ass gaming table.

So, what do I do? To start with everything that is not focused on my current project is packed away. I can only see my current project.

So what is it? Well, the Tallarn 117th (the blog's namesake) will be featuring. I am planning a 1,000 point guard army. Based around infantry.

881st Cadian Regiment, 2nd Infantry Company, 1st Platoon.

2nd Company Command Squad
- Power fist
- Bolt Pistol
- Medi-pack
- Standard
- Vox-caster
- Grenade Launcher
Chimera Command Vehicle
- Pintle Mounted stubber

1st Platoon
Command Squad
- Power Weapon
- Vox-caster
- Two Plasma guns
1st Squad
- Flamer
- Vox-caster
2nd Squad
- Flamer
- Vox-caster
3rd Squad
- Flamer
- Vox-caster
4th Squad
- Grenade launcher
- Vox-caster
5th Squad
- Grenade launcher
- Vox-caster
Heavy Weapons Squad
- Mortars
Heavy Weapons Squad
- Autocannons
Heavy Weapons
- Missile launchers

Tallarn Vets
- Power Weapon
- Vox-caster
- 2 Meltaguns

Fast Attack
Scout Sentinel Squadron
- 3 Sentinels

O.K. This is the first 1,000 point army of the year. Another to 'hopefully' follow.

Let's see how I get on with these then.

Report later,
