Monday, 13 April 2015

Tallarn Paint Scheme

It seems fitting to start this with the Tallarn 117th, as they are the blogs namesake.

The army started over a decade ago when I picked up a load of Tallarn models off the back of the original Forge World Imperial Armour 3: Taros Campaign book, which I still love.

The models sat unpainted or semi-painted as other projects were started and also left unfinished.

I finally decided to get some paint on them and work on them to completion. This blog started with a picture of their first incarnation which I have included again.

I have now got a new paint scheme. This is based on the painting video on WarhammerTV for the Cadians, but with a few tweaks. Here is the first test model. This is very WIP as is the picture. The final models will be photographed better.

I am currently working on the first half of the squad so will put up some completed pictures next week.

For now,



Monday, 6 April 2015

Checking in

Well, after a five year hiatus I have decided to post on here again. In the past year I have moved house and as a result witnessed the full horror of how much plastic crack I have. Having my family help move made me feel quite embrassed about how much there was unpainted. So, I have bought very little in the past five years and am now looking at getting some of my armies painted. I am planning to post here weekly to help motivate me into doing some painting each week. This is hopefully the start of me painting and enjoying playing games again. See you in a week with pictures of what I have been painting. Bloodthirster