Wednesday, 8 April 2009

It was all going so well

So, I thought I was safe painting my Skinks (Nearly finished). but then I was hit hard over the head with a brand spanking new book. War of the Ring. Ah. This has posed a problem.

With the skinks on the go I was drawn back to my 'Stealer force for 40K and have finished my lictor conversion, built some gargolyes. I have worked out a method for these guys and will post it now I have some time.

Now, I am a big fan of Lord of the Rings, the books, the films and the game. Having played War of the Ring I knew I needed an army. A proper army. So, easiest way o do this was to build on what I already have. Uruk-hai.

I found that my Uruk-hai force already included some key elements for my planned army based on the Fortress Isengard list.

One thing I did not have was numbers. 3 boxes of Uruk-hai scouts later and I have the models. It took me about two hours to clean, build and spray 1 box. So I should have all three built by tomorrow evening sometime. I can then start to paint them.

More on this later.


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